Hi Ya'll I'm Maggie

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See that chick to the left? That's me :) Yes I know it's not a very good picture, but you are still able to get the idea of what I look like.

Now if you were wondering, yes the title of the blog is true. I'm 100% southern, minus the redneck/hillbilly mentality. I am also an Atheist.

Now being that I find myself not believing in a creator, I've discovered that it makes my life as a southerner difficult, amusing, and most times outright insane. See down here religion is very.... saturated. On my street alone there are 4; yes 4 churches!! On ONE road. Get the picture?

So this first entry in my wonderful new blog is going to only be about me, mainly because I'm just that fabulous! Or I just so happen to need the self-esteem boost at the moment. And since you can't stop me... here I go.

See my beauty is only equated by my GORGEOUS husband... That's him right there with the hat on. I believe that it is surgically attached as I can never seem to get a picture of him without it. Anyways... he got a REAL dose of reality when he married me. See he's from Indiana (yes he plays basketball) sexy yes, does it make him able to deal with us southerners? Noooooo. Which is what adds hilarity to my life. Oh yes the hilarity does ensue.

Good grief I forgot to tell you his name. His name is Danny. And we also have one lil something running around. She's almost 4 years old and she's trying to kill us. We've been convinced of that fact since she was a newborn and made us do with only 2 hours of sleep a night. Now she has advanced to sneaking out of the house butt naked and running down our street all the while mommy and daddy think she's sound asleep. Yes, she maybe Houdini reincarnate IF I were one to believe in such things, and I'm sure you can tell... I'm not. Her name is Christina. And I am waiting to put up her cute halloween pictures, so you'll have to wait to see her.

I guess that's all you need to know for now. This is also the last time I'll be gettin all personal. The rest of these posts are going to strictly be about how religion effects my life though I don't want it to. I will be doing some serious pieces, some outright MEAN posts... so those who are easily offended at me telling you that your beliefs are bullshit need not read the blog mmmk?
